Adopted by the members at the Annual General Meeting
held on 28th Dec 2013 at Leawood Pioneer Library,
4700 Town Center Dr.Leawood, KS 66211
1. The name of this organization shall be Kansas City Tamil Sangam, Inc. (hereinafter called KCTS).
2.1 To promote and celebrate Tamil cultural activities.
3.1 KCTS is a secular organization and is open to people with any nationality and/or any religion and/or any gender who are genuinely interested in the objectives provided in Article 2.
3.2 KCTS shall be non-political. It shall never engage in propaganda, attempt to influence legislation or participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office in US or in abroad, nor shall it support any member of KCTS for any political campaign whatsoever in US or in abroad.
3.3 KCTS does not authorize engaging in any other activity or activities, except for furtherance of the purposes as mentioned or written under Article 2.
3.4 Members of KCTS shall acquire no interest in the property or asset of KCTS by virtue of their membership therein.
4.1 The Board of Trustees of KCTS, hereinafter referred to as BOT, for any fiscal year shall consist of a Chairman and trustees.
4.2 The number of Trustees will be determined by the BOT.
4.3 The BOT shall have and exercise authority in the management of KCTS.
1) The BOT shall establish and maintain a reserve fund with the annual balance and the reserve fund shall be used only with the approval of the members of KCTS. The amount to be set aside in the reserve fund every year shall be decided by the BOT.
5.1 The Executive Committee, herein after referred to as EC, shall consist of President, a Treasurer, and five committee members whose roles will be determined by the President.
5.2 The BOT can amend the number of Executive Committee members for the calendar year.
5.3 The nomination for candidacy in the Executive committee will be by self-nomination.
5.4 A member should have served in the KCTS Executive Committee for at least 1 year to apply for a position of President in the Executive Committee. BOT shall elect the President of EC for the forthcoming calendar year.
5.5 From the pool of self-nominating applications the President will select the other EC members taking into consideration the recommendations of BOT.
5.6 A committee member shall have tenure of three continuous years. They can serve with at least a break of two years.
5.7 Only one member of a family can serve in the committee.
5.8 After a resignation of a committee member, he/she is eligible to serve in the committee after three years from the end of the last served term. BOT can amend/override this for the calendar year.
6.1 The membership of KCTS shall be open to everyone.
6.2 The BOT reserves the right to disapprove the membership of any individual.
6.3 The membership shall be classified as single, family, or student.
6.4 The annual membership dues shall be for the calendar year.
6.5 Any member is eligible to self –nominate to be part of the EC during the annual nomination process.
6.6 The EC shall determine the annual membership dues.
7.1 The BOT shall decide the location of the Registered Office.
8.1 Composition of BOT: The BOT shall comprise of a Chairman and seven other trustee members. The out-going President will automatically be included. The current EC President will be an outside sitting member without voting rights. The Founder has been included for the initial few years as a consultant without voting rights.
8.2. Term of BOT: Trustees shall have tenure of three continuous years, at the maximum.
8.3 Functions of BOT: BOT functions shall include financial book keeping, statutory filings, insurance arrangement, asset management (meaning custodial duties for KCTS items), web governance and other regulatory obligations.
8.4. BOT reserves the right to replace any vacancy with new members.
8.5 Auditor shall work with the Treasurer and President every three months to verify that accounts are maintained and are in good standing.
8.6 An Election officer will be responsible for calling for all nominations (Executive Committee and Board of Trustees) around October. All nominations received shall be presented to the BOT for approval.
8.7 Nomination: A member can self-nominate if they have served at least 2 years in the committee. BOT has the final decision based on the following criteria.
Their efforts during the EC tenure.
Their interest in KCTS during their tenure years.
9.1 President
The President shall call and preside over meetings of KCTS Executive Committee.
President and/or Treasurer are the authorized signatories for all financial transactions.
The President shall be accountable for maintenance of record keeping.
The President shall assume charge of the duties of Treasurer during their absence.
In case of tie voting at Executive Committee meetings, the President shall have an extra vote to break the tie.
The President shall, with the approval of the BOT, appoint members of all Special Committees as and when he/she deems necessary.
The President shall present an up-to-date financial report to the BOT upon request.
The president cannot veto any decisions made by the committee.
Executive Committee must operate fiscally within the funds available. Reserve funds are for emergencies only.
9.2 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall make, countersign and endorse in the name of KCTS all checks, drafts, notes, and other orders for the payment of money during the term.
The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all the funds which KCTS may receive and shall deposit such funds in the name of KCTS in such banks as are designated by the BOT.
Treasurer shall maintain books of accounts and records for receipts, disbursements, and other financial transactions made by or on behalf of KCTS on accordance with accounting principles approved by the BOT.
The treasurer will get emails of all online transactions. It is treasures duty to verify the same and attend to any errors. President shall exercise the option to be included in these emails.
10.1 The KCTS Executive Committee is responsible for scheduling of activities during the year.
11.1 Quorum
Decisions of BOT will be based on simple majority.
In case of tie voting at BOT, the Chairman shall have an extra vote to break the tie.
12.1 All the collections shall be deposited in the bank within ten working days. The bank must be an insured one by FDIC.
12.2 Members and officers shall not be held personally responsible or liable for any debts incurred by KCTS but shall only be held liable for dues and other membership that they committed to pay to the KCTS.
13.1 Any amendment to this constitution may be either submitted to the BOT in writing or proposed from the floor at the regular meetings.
13.3 Amendments shall require a simple majority vote of the BOT at the meeting.
14.1 A motion to consider dissolution of KCTS may be petitioned to the BOT by not less than two-thirds of the members in good standing. The BOT shall circulate the petition to all members in good standing within thirty days of the receipt of the petition. The motion for dissolution shall require, for passing, the affirmative vote of three quarters of the members in good standing.
14.2 Upon the dissolution of KCTS, the BOT shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of KCTS, dispose of all the assets of KCTS exclusively for the purpose of KCTS in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the BOT shall determine.